Chapter 9 - Chronicles V -

Created by Larry 3 years ago

Chronicles Daily 001



Nixon:  China... "that Communist Frankenstine"...This is Kissenger's doing with Nixon signing off on it and thus the beginning of China's war on the west...and it may have ended there had the republicans won the next election.  They may have put restraints and restrictions on China right off.   Any sane adult should have seen that coming at the time.  I was in high school and could see that China and any other "backwards" country should be kept at arms length for a long time before being added to most favored nations.  I saw that at the time and I even remember thinking to myself about it and assumed that the people in higher places and a lot smarter than me will surely see that and take appropriate action...and I had that same question come up many times in subsequent years.  Why are we not demanding some action against China for cooking the was on the evening news many times.

The enemy of my enemy can still be my enemy and we are not at peace...we are still at war...a defensive war...the most obvious is the most hidden...we didn't start this war...people have to have things rubbed in their face before they understand and begin to go by the right path...the republicans have the power to overcome the evil but do not use it...the republicans are saying it's good to shut the barn door after the horse has already is not the time to begin vigilant guard on voting systems...that should have already been in place after what we learned in 2016 election...republicans have a hard time understanding how to be proactive...Jesus doesn't teach how to be a Christian proactive thinking and acting is dabbling in evil waters...the one thing evil wants you to do is become infected as they are by forcing you to be like them in order to defend our precious freedom...
...a win by cheating doesn't change the facts...universal facts...and the dems know that the reps know's time for ...start learning how to be proactive...we've got have $20,000 dollars to pay for your vehicle...have you not got $20,000 dollars of time and resources to fight the commies? actually have the rest of your life if you comes down to can we get motivated...the 2020 election is a wake-up call for all true Trump supporters...a stitch in time saves nine...don't just wave the need to take some action...but don't be stupid...learn how to make wise decisions...
...we know what the majority of all peace loving people want and they are still there...and they will be on the backs of the dems like flies on shit...look how easy it is to slide thru 4 years of treachery and deception....what we have here is 4 years to plan the next election now that we have it clearly in our minds who the real enemy is and how they operate...and we  know that we CANNOT rely on elected officials to do their job...


This whole election thing and covid virus thing and my personal issues going on right now has got me off track from the real issue which is what is the latest advancement in Habitran Technology.   A big question has always been how can a person live 24/7 with the Habitran System and still have a normal life?   In other words...can a person have a full life camping out all the time?...does having a Winabago motor home make things better so that there is no need for owning a home or ranch spread out in one place?   Man needs a lot of indoor space and rooms with controlled ventilation systems and high ceilings.  So...the answer has always been well...your living room is the great outdoors...but there is a need for indoor spaces with year round temperature control...etc.   One thing to remember is that the Habitran System is a plan B for weathering thru long periods of time while the earth responds to some major catastrophic incident whether by man or by nature and it is about learning to live in hostile environments on other planets.   It is a survival system designed to get to the other side of a major event and be able to bring along technology so we don't have to start from scratch again and waste another 10,000 years.


The True American is the one that takes the initiative...Victor Hanson...The Habitran Project is me taking the initiative for the world...


How about discussing what the Habitran Project has as it's simple straight forward language...


It is beginning to look like Trump is not going to make it and we are doomed to communist rule.  I just never imagined that this could happen.  The future of freedom and independence is now questionable.  Part of what that means is that new doors are opened that the left wing bastards haven't thought of.  If certain people are aware of what these doors are and take appropriate action...the Trump concept may get another chance in only 2 years...I will bet that the 2022 elections will be closely monitored this time...the swamp has merely been changed to a mud hole...


The world is so vast and infinite in wonder and beauty and different directions that one can follow that I am overwhelmed with one simple question...which path to follow...we only get about one hundred years which is a finite amount of decide from an infinite number of choices...and the gods played a trick on me and gave me an overabundance of talents and abilities so that the choices would be more difficult...and I realize that there is a very large and growing population out there that has the same problem...what direction to go that is going to get the most bang for the buck...and the buck is not gold or silver or's your life...and you only get so much time given to you...every minute is like another penny or nickles worth of among other things this is how the Habitran Project can be seen as a study in time travel and a beginning to a serious study of time in a new light...and that subject deserves more attention.


The main objective of all people should logically be to seek ever higher levels of accomplishment toward improving humanity.  This is the overall objective of the Habitran Concept.  The difference is in the manner of approach.  


Christmas 2020

Everyone talks about the truth...yet everyone is talking about something different...Jesus said the truth shall make you free...but he didn't say which truth...a truth is that mankind in general as a species is not capable of handling the "truth"...and there is no real need to know the BIG where is the end of the universe and where did God come from...what mankind is designed to handle is the truth of the immediate environment...that is...what is nearest and dearest and easily understandable...after that we only need to know that there are things that we don't need to know to have a piece of the rock and a good happy and productive life.  Knowledge is power but some knowledge is dangerous in the wrong hands...which may be don't know...that doesn't mean that a person should put on means don't be afraid of the truth...just understand that there are some things best left alone.  There should be a class in all schools at all ages where a person learns how to leave things alone and how to shut up and listen.  You say: That is what you should learn as you go...and I say yes of course but there needs to be a special class that is only about that subject...  There are many many truths and we should know which truths need the full armor of God to protect against.  If the church doesn't teach you that and the school doesn't teach you will be left on your own to figure it out...and that is a key issue in education...knowing how to handle the simple daily truths is more important than the 3 R's...until you know what to do with knowledge there is no real need in having it.

 With that in mind...consider the confusion that is going on in our country today...especially with the voting process.  We have known about this problem for a long long time yet no one has taken any steps to fix it..even the supreme court has been hoodwinked by a bunch of slime from the street that can barely write their own name...because they are the one's who cut up and disrupt the classes in school instead of being respectful of the value of knowledge and other people's rights.  Then they grow up and teach their kids to do the same thing.  They are the cowards who have no imagination or desire for anything but disruption...and now they are being hired to disrupt and destroy America.

With that in mind...the solution should be for all people to get on the same page and the majority of all the problems we are having will fall by the wayside.  That should start with all people realizing that what we call God and what controls everything is Universal Law.  We just don't understand Universal Law...and that is what the Habitran Concept is all

...Universal Law has priority over all man's laws...whether he likes it or not... 
